Moms, one way to welcome the new year is to learn of new ideas and to tap into our children's potentials. If you have a child who shows signs of being a kidpreneur, or is business-minded, this message from Mark Hansen could be helpful.
Mark Victor Hansen gives advice to kids directly.
Hi there all you amazing Kidpreneurs! I’m Mark Hansen, your friend and supporter, and I’m going to tell you the secrets to turn your business idea into a business. These tips will help you kids become rich business people at a young age and that will only be the beginning. Have you read my book – Chicken soup for the kids soul? It’s a great read. It’s got tons of stories about kids like you who have had some amazing experiences. It shows you what you guys are really capable of. That is the exact purpose with which I started the website – to help you become great business people.
I’m going to tell you a story that’ll help you realize the importance of something as small as a business idea. There was a young man who began walking from the northeast part of U.S.A. He ate only apples on his journey from the point that he started to way past the Mississippi river. He planted the seeds of the apples he ate, and the apples he gave to others on his journey, all along the way. That man was Johnny Appleseed and the trees he planted became the Johnny Appleseed Hiking Trail. His story has been made into a book and even a movie by Disney. I always thought that Johnny was a fictional character but when I saw the trail, I realized that not only was he very real, but the trail is also amazing. It’s not much of a wonder that it’s ranked in the top three hiking trails of the U.S.A.
The point I’m trying to make here is that one of the most beautiful hiking trails in the world started as a seed. That could be your business. It will start as an idea – a seed – and grow into a large business empire like an orchard. To help this become a reality, you need to take the following three steps:
a. Go through some of the videos on my website
b. Write down, in complete detail, what you love doing and what you’re good at. Take the help of any adult that you trust on this.
c. Find a role model or mentor whose success story is similar to what you would like to achieve. This should be someone you can trust and someone who will take time out of their schedule to help you set up your business.
With these three steps, you kids will become rich business people. That’s how rich kids become rich adults – by building your ideas. These businesses will bring you success and will also help others in its wake. So, get started now to create a business that’ll make the world a little better.
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That's amazing. Starting with one idea!