28 January 2009

The Street

The sun sets on this side
The road's just two-lane wide
Lined with some trees and houses
And posts with wires a-mess
Passenger jeeps they roam
Trikes have a noisy "vroom!"
Some guys play basketball
Seems like a playground for all
Children climb, shout and run
And gangs find fighting fun
Thieves are causes for alarms
Mothers with babes in arms
Dads, grandparents loiter
Neighbors call to each other
Plastic bags in their hands
With ingredients for viands
Some meat, veggies and fruits
Herbs, spices and some roots
Vendors with their food or wares
Dogs, cats, mice except hares

I'd do it too, I fear
To make a home right here


You are welcome to say what you think. Do drop by again! Thank you!

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