29 September 2009

If I Were Still A Baby...

...I'd write this for my mom. I would like to imagine my own daughter telling me these lines.

Mommy Parts

Your head swim with thoughts of me
Eyes see my beauty
Nose inhale my baby scent

Cuddling my head with your neck
And with your shoulder
When I'm sleepy or afraid

Your arms never tire of these:
Hugging, carrying
'Til your back tingles and aches

Whenever I get booboo's
Your lips kiss away
The pain, the tears your hands wipe

Your legs they run beside me
Across our home and
Throughout your life's journey


  1. I love this. So beautifully written. I would love to imagine my little girl thinking the same as well :)

  2. Sounds cute! i think every mom would be happy to hear such poem from her child. you know, even if you are not a child anymore, you always can read this poem to your mother. as far as we know, mothers always consider us to be children, even if we are 40.

  3. I will try to let my mom read this. Thanks!

  4. This is so sweet!!


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