07 May 2010

Insurance for the Family

When we get the right insurance, it is surely a wise investment for the family. We already have life insurances plus hospitalization riders which I think would really be handy in these times. It seems that people nowadays are less healthy than the elders, I don't know why. We also have car insurance which I think is also important for unavoidable circumstances involving the vehicle. A savings type of insurance for the children would help parents pay for their tuition fees and save up for the dowry of a daughter - where applicable. When it comes to home insurance, I am not sure if it is advisable because we live in a sort of compound with other relatives and it's like a townhouse where it's one big establishment that's divided into units. There are also other types of insurance that cover even the smallest stuff , like our gadgets. I just don't know if those are worth it, though.

I wonder if my insurance company covers me when I travel abroad. For example, when I go to New York, would they have New York insurance information? Or if ever I decide to settle there, would they be able to handle my New York home insurance? It sure would be quite a hassle to change insurance companies from time to time. This reminds me to ask our agent regarding our coverages outside the Philippines.


  1. It's nice to know that moms like you know the value of having different insurance packages.
    If you're just traveling abroad for a vacation and not exactly migrating there, there are travel insurances available for less than 1,000 bucks if I remember it correctly. Ask your travel agent about this. :)


You are welcome to say what you think. Do drop by again! Thank you!

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