My college days do not hold the fondest of memories. For one, I would say that I was mostly a loner. The good thing that came out of this is that I have learned to take my lunches in school, and sometimes breakfasts, alone. I had made two good friends from the university. I loved being with them as we could have shared anything about ourselves without fear of judgment. It was just so unfortunate and very sad that one of them passed away. And when the mother of the other friend left this life also, my adviser suggested that I was the one who kind of brought bad luck to them. I felt so crushed.
Academic-wise, I remember tons and tons of papers to write for each prerequisite subject that we had. I wonder if it would be wise to scout for an essay online back then, afterwards, buy essays. Do you think it would enter the minds of students nowadays to buy essays online? Essays that are of course relevant and well-written. There were also the sleepless nights of finishing projects and plates, which were but normal for Interior Design students. The pressurizing defenses for completed ones made my stomach aflutter with butterflies. At present, if I were to take up this course again at the age of 30, I don't think I could handle being up most of the night drawing. Although, having a newborn is sort of like that. But with the baby, I didn't have to think much.
My environment in this university was so different from what I got used to in high school. My classmates and schoolmates in college were mostly pure Filipinos, so there was a bit of culture shock going on for me. I guess I needed Filipino-Chinese people to be around with, thus, I joined an organization for Chinese students. It was great to be in a circle of orgmates with whom I can relate to.
It was in college that I discovered the Internet and chatting using mIRC. I decided to find a room where there were similar people like me. So, I also became active in the Filipino-Chinese channel. But of course, Filipinos were also welcome. Back then, I felt safe to be meeting up with guys one-on-one. I remembered I "eyeballed" with many. I was not purposely searching for a boyfriend, but I had two or three crushes, heehee! It turned out they did not find me interesting. Oh, well! At present times, though, I would feel afraid of meeting up with boys without being accompanied by friends.
One of the memories I liked playing over in my mind was when the day I had an eyeball with Rix. He came to the university to meet up with me. I did not expect him to be my boyfriend, what more my husband? But, that was how we turned out to be in the end. :-)
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