24 February 2014

Learning At Lynda

What is your learning style?

If you are visual or auditory learners, you would definitely benefit from watching videos about topics you are interested in. I was given a chance to try lynda.com for a few days as a perk from Klout and I found it very helpful. I watched videos about using the Illustrator and about an author making children's books. There are also videos about enhancing one's self to be a better person or be better at work. I like that I had the option to save the transcript of the videos so I could go over them again and take notes. I perused the app on my iPhone so I could watch videos wherever I am and especially when I was breastfeeding my little one. I like the idea of learning on-the-go.

There are over 2,000 courses that could cater to your learning needs so you could achieve your dreams. To get access to all courses, membership fees start at $25 per month. If you need to learn about, say, Photography, lynda.com has that topic, and with access to other courses, the price is affordable if you also want to learn about post-processing using Photoshop. At the end of the course, you will be given a certificate, too.

I believe that we always have room for improvement, and that is through learning constantly. Tweet: I believe that we always have room for improvement, and that is through learning constantly. -Cym

Go to lynda.com now and give it a try!

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