14 March 2015

Hi-Home Magic Showerhead

Do you watch shows like Home TV shopping? Have you bought the very thing you saw on your TV? While it's flashing a price reduction plus freebies if you call "right now"?

I haven't, but it's super tempting! But, I was scared that the company would record my phone number and would always call me to offer other products. How annoying, right? Well, that's what others said!

I didn't have such problem with the latest shopping channel called Oshopping. This  Hi-Home Magic Showerhead was our first purchase.


The reason we bought this was because of the promise of increase in water pressure. And, yes, the water came out stronger. That means, we can save on water because of shorter rinse times.

I like that it has red bands to indicate water temperature, but there's something weird about the actual temperature of the water coming out as felt by the hands. If we turn on the water heater, the water coming out of the middle holes will be hot, yet the water coming out of the surrounding holes will still be cool. 

I also like that it could filter the water. The transparency of the shower head allows us to see what's happening inside and if the filter needed to be cleaned.

If you don't understand what was written on the box, read more info from this Oshopping product page.

Would you consider buying this Hi-Home Magic Showerhead?

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