13 March 2017

Keep Kids Safe Online with KidsEmail

When I was six years old, my daughter's age, I wasn't aware of another world - the online world. Now, my daughter is slowly immersing herself in that world via YouTube. She's even leaving comments on her favorite videos! She watches mostly My Little Pony toy reviews, other toy reviews, toy crafts and funny skits acted out using toys. She also wants to make a video of her own, but I have no idea how to edit a video.

Pretty soon, Ella's going to have friends and they will probably communicate through email when at home after school or during weekends. The worlds now - both real and online are more dangerous than before, so I will totally delay her making an account on Facebook. In my opinion, email is safer. 

The good news is that there's KidsEmail.org, a fun & safe place to send and receive emails. Getting started is as easy as 1 - register a parent account, 2 - add children, 3 - set the safety settings. Setting the safety settings could be a bit intimidating at first, but when I realize it's for my child's protection, it's quite understandable. These settings include receiving emails only from the contact list, mailing a copy of incoming & outgoing messages to the parent, filter out bad words, remove images & links, etc. I could even control the type of attachments my daughter would receive. I love that KidsEmail allows everyone to try it for free without asking for a credit card number.

After setting up Ella's email, I asked her to choose a design as the background of her very own email. She chose the rainbow one, which was not pictured in the sample designs in the image below. The fairy princess design was one option she considered.
Other very cool features include:

  • a GPS tracker that gets the historical location where children have been, if they're using their KidsEmail in an Android device
  • the mail queue that intercepts emails which didn't pass the parents' safety rules, these emails can then be approved & sent, or denied & removed
  • time restrictions that set the time of the day and the days of the week when the kids can log in, they could also be grounded and a custom message could be displayed when they attempt to sign in
  • no ads displayed so children would not see anything inappropriate
  • a custom blacklist to block specific people
In this day and age, it's hard not to let children keep up with the technology, but it is more important to keep kids safe online. I am glad there are companies out there that are concerned with children's safety online.

Have questions and want to know more? Connect with KidsEmail:

● FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/KidsEmail.org
● TWITTER twitter.com/KidsEmail
● PINTEREST www.pinterest.com/kidsemail1/
● GOOGLE+ plus.google.com/u/0/b/112369875076902375218/+KidsemailOrg
● LINKEDIN http://www.linkedin.com/company/kids-email?trk=biz-companies-cym
● BLOG blog.kidsemail.org/

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